To learn how to use the different scenarios in the MoneySupply simulation
we recommend the following webinars:
- Accounting Framework (2:30 min video):
Explains the accounting framework
- Basic Scenario (2:30 min video):
Shows how money can be created considering only one bank and assuming for
that non-banks do not withdraw cash from their deposits.
- Intermediate Scenario (2:00 min video):
Shows how money can be created by multiple banks and how banks can use the
federal funds market to borrow or to lend reserves. Demand for curency is not
- Advanced Scenario
(3:00 min video):
Descibea a scenaio that considers the demand for currency in a multi-bank
setting. It shows how central bank and private banks interact to provide supply
of currency and deposits.
- Money Multiplier Process (4:00 min video):
Descibes the money multiplier process in a dynamic step by step approach.